Posts in: 2023

The Art and The Artist

How do you say what you mean? How do you know who you are? Art is my language. Of thought, feeling, reflection and doubt. Every art piece is made for (from) a person I know, a situation that happened, a feeling that passed. I sit around and listen to the world. Whatever comes out is this - an object, a creation. I’m no one without my art. My art is nothing without me.

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One thing I’ve been thinking about lately is timing. This uncontrollable, elusive, unpredictable aspect of life. How many things would’ve gone differently, if the timing was different? They’d still happen (we’re not altering that), but on a different timeline. What if you got that job later? What if your parents had divorced earlier? Had met her at your 25th, not 23rd birthday? I imagine the world as if everyone was dancing.

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Done thinking

I vividly remember a conversation I had with my friend a few years back. We were discussing life-long learning and gaining knowledge; he argued that it’s a duty to constantly keep learning new things - one cannot fully satisfy the never-ending thirst for bits of knowledge. “I don’t want to be smarter” - I countered. “I want to be kinder, warmer, a better listener, be more present”. He was mildly shocked; “but don’t you want to grow?

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I Don't Live Here Anymore

Man in the Internet, part 7 Change is imminent, unavoidable. Whoever embraces change, rather than avoids it, will live. No matter how many changes we live through, how much of our identity we reshape, there’s always that core - the part of us that remains the same. To cherish that core is to be yourself. Moving on is hard, but refreshing. When we help change happen, rather than passively wait for it to come, things often turn out even more empowering.

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