Posts in: Newsletters


.microblog_permalink { color: gray; font-style: italic; } Focus is a skill. A virtue. Something we can learn, but also loose. It’s an elusive feeling. We might feel focused for months, years, but one day – we might realize we’ve been focusing on the wrong thing all that time. No focus – no results. Without any sort of direction, topic, theme, it’s almost impossible to achieve, to create anything. Our mind is wonderfully curious, yet it needs a sort of filter to tame that curiosity.

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.microblog_permalink { color: gray; font-style: italic; } Originally published as part of my daily writing challenge on March 18, 2021. 669 One of the most dangerous phenomenons of our society, in my opinion, is groupthink. It has been, sadly, part of what it means to be human for ages. Our desire for being in agreement with our peers, to hold opinions shared by those who we care about, often tramples our individual reason, our personal lucidity.

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Ex motu

.microblog_permalink { color: gray; font-style: italic; } Ex motu Czemu się ruszasz? Kto Cię wybudził ze snu? Nie fajna pora na budzenie się. Zasnąć też trudno. Trudno o spokój. Nawet bardziej ten wewnętrzny niż zewnętrzny. Więc po co się budzisz? Zdaje Ci się, że tak sobie stoisz w jednym miejscu. Wygodnie, spokojnie. Nie chcę Ci psuć humoru, ale to nie jest prawda. O, widzisz? Poruszyliśmy się od początku tej rozmowy.

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The Burden of Privileges

.microblog_permalink { color: gray; font-style: italic; } Last night, right after finishing work, I sat down to read the day’s newsletters. The usual stuff; Seth Godin’s daily blog, Subtle Maneuvers, Subtraction’s latest post, and Jason Fried’s latest post about changes at Basecamp. I glanced through it quickly. But one paragraph caught my eye instantly: No more societal and political discussions at Basecamp. Today’s social and political waters are especially choppy.

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Third Time’s A Charm

.microblog_permalink { color: gray; font-style: italic; } Third Time’s A Charm [image:A80263F4-12F7-4877-9944-75F2C6723CEF-9197-0000049117EDAD3F/IMG_0829.jpeg] As the new year approaches, I’m excited to present you another photograph from my yearly “Man In the Internet” series, titled “Third Time’s A Charm”. “Man In the Internet” is my longest-running series, starting all the way back in 2017. These photographs served as my public profile photos all over the web. A long time ago I decided to not share my face online, and these artworks served perfectly as a substitute.

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