Posts in: 2021

Third Time’s A Charm

As the new year approaches, I’m excited to present you another photograph from my yearly “Man In the Internet” series, titled “Third Time’s A Charm”. “Man In the Internet” is my longest-running series, starting all the way back in 2017. These photographs served as my public profile photos all over the web. A long time ago I decided to not share my face online, and these artworks served perfectly as a substitute.

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Nie czas umierać

Czwartkowy spacer wzdłuż plant nie byłby w żaden sposób wyjątkowy, gdyby nie zdecydowanie częstsze dźwięki syren karetek pogotowia. Rok temu, w październiku, było tak samo. Karetka za karetką. Tutaj S-ka, tutaj P. Dwie przecznice dalej myka T. Zwykły spacer, z niezwykłym akompaniamentem. Znowu - umiera nas więcej niż powinno. Znowu - SORy pękają w szwach. Znowu - wirus sieje spustoszenie. Tym razem jednak na zewnątrz, poza tym dzielnym, aczkolwiek nędznym światem chorowania i umierania, życie toczy się po staremu.

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Tough Nut to Chew

Sometimes, obstacles appear. They’re not necessarily problems - inconveniences, rather. Things we trip up over. The common approach is to cautiously avoid these obstacles. To look for excuses, signposts showing us a possible detour. In the end, obstacles make us. They are the way to go. Through confrontation we become fuller, brighter. Their unpleasantness shall not deter us.

New Skin

”New Skin” - On My Way To Me, 2021 Even in darkness there is existence. The imperfections, the pain - they make life fuller. To see the beauty, see the ugliness. — Pink Rabbits by The National. Lyrics: Matt Berninger; I couldn’t find quiet I went out in the rain I was just soakin’ my head to unrattle my brain Somebody said you disappeared in a crowd I didn’t understand then I don’t understand now Am I the one you think about when you’re Sitting in your faintin’ chair drinking pink rabbits?

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Wherever You Go - On My Way To Me

Sometimes friendships end. The ones you didn’t want to end. At least, end now. There was much still left to explore. Much to experience. A few strong words, a violently shut door. Tensions, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. A string, threaded carefully through time, ruptured. Gone. Your fault? Their fault? These endings are painful; as their sudden nature implies. Yet the pain doesn’t imply a transgression of life’s rules. The shore; a place where land ends.

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Wind Of Change - On My Way To Me

There’s nothing more majestic, more powerful - yet so subtle and delicate - as the wind. I am deeply fascinated by the wind. It’s the moving force of this world, a hand sweeping its palm through space. Destructive, at times? Of course. Powerful? Always. It’s this volatile, transient energy - sometimes very decisive, others - seemingly undecided. What a beautiful metaphor of life, life as a virtue. It represents motion, towards all directions.

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Zrywa się ten wiatr i zrywa. Który to już miesiąc, szósty? Siódmy. Niby długo. A ja jestem niecierpliwy i już nie chce mi się czekać. Na to zrywanie. A może już ten wiatr się zerwał dawno temu. I wieje, popycha nas, sami nie wiemy gdzie. W tej sytuacji do wiatru nie można mieć żadnych pretensji. Jeśli ktoś tu zawinił to my. Wiatr jest bez winy. Wbrew pozorom, kilka miesięcy temu było prościej.

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