There’s nothing more majestic, more powerful - yet so subtle and delicate - as the wind.
I am deeply fascinated by the wind. It’s the moving force of this world, a hand sweeping its palm through space. Destructive, at times? Of course. Powerful? Always.
It’s this volatile, transient energy - sometimes very decisive, others - seemingly undecided. What a beautiful metaphor of life, life as a virtue. It represents motion, towards all directions. Sometimes circling in place, going back.
Capturing the wind is no easy task. There’s no way to capture the phenomenon itself; only it’s effects, the forces it exhibits.
Energy is something we need, desperately. Thus far, our energy use was always synonymous with abusing our Planet. Nothing is infinite in this finite world, and so are fossil fuels. Yet this powerful force - the wind - can be captured, and used as the cleanest energy out there.
The wind is also a symbol of change. For us here in Central and Eastern Europe particularly so - as the song Wind of Change by Scorpions looks toward a future without communism and pain.
Le vent se lève! … il faut tenter de vivre! -
The wind rises! … We must try to live!
Is a line from Paul Valery’s Le cimetière marin that has profoundly resonated with me this year. Whenever I feel the wind blowing at my face, I try to live. No matter the hardships, no matter the pain.
On my way to me.