Posts in: 2022

Rowery elektryczne Bolt - kilka myśli

Plusy Przyspieszenie niesamowite. Bardzo szybko rusza. Przydatne w sytuacjach miejskich, ale trzeba uważać np. przy pieszych. Geometria ramy (jak na rower miejski) wygodna. Zwłaszcza, że elektryczny, to nie trzeba mocno pedałować. Świetny uchwyt na telefon, mojego niedużego iPhone’a trzymał świetnie. Do tego ładowanie bezprzewodowe. Ameryka. Minusy Cena. No jednak 50gr/minutę to nie mało. Hulajnoga za tyle samo a nie trzeba ruszać nogami. Brak jakiejkolwiek amortyzacji. Na dowolnym krawężniku podrzuca całym rowerem.

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I don't wanna win

Hey Lord, You know I’m tired Hey Lord, You know I’m tired Hey Lord, You know I’m tired of tears Hey Lord, just cut me loose Hey Lord, You know I’m fighting Hey Lord, You know I’m fighting I’m sure this world is done with me Hey Lord, You know it’s true Now the tide is rolling in I don’t wanna win Let it take me, let it take me

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NSDAP zostało założone 24 lutego 1920 roku. Prawda jest taka, że ja o wojnie gówno wiem. Dziadkowie urodzeni w latach 1951-57. Pradziadek zmarł w 2013 roku. Nie rozmawiałem z nim o wojnie. W mojej osobistej, rodzinnej prawdzie historycznej nie istnieje coś takiego jak wojna. Istnieją represje, bieda, głód, choroby, tragedie. Ale nie wojna. Gówno wiem. Niech to będzie wstęp do tego tekstu. — Najgorszy w wojnie jest ten obrzydliwy proces odczłowieczania.

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The Holdouts

The rocks have been here for ten thousand years. Never moved away, never came back. Permanently, in the same place. They have witnessed animals long extinct. They have seen our ancestors settle down, wage wars, move away. There is literally nothing more permanent than the rocks. When I think about the rocks, a sudden peace embarks on me. In our world, everything is so very transient. Everything that makes us; our hopes, emotions, memories.

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We seem to carry a lot of weight these days. Stress, anxiety, pressure. Both internal and external. All that stuff accumulates. Little by little, piece by piece, fills us up, like a tank. But, at a certain point, we can’t contain it any longer. It boils over. Spills like an overcooked soup. A nasty soup of anger, confusion, and tiredness. It seems being part of civilization, among all of its benefits, also bears a huge burden.

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There’s no direct path. Never was, nor will be. It’s always zig-zaggy, meandering, taking turns. Sometimes, it feels like you’re going backwards. All that footwork is progress. Every step moves us forward along the path of life. Even if it’s all unclear and muddy. So the best thing to do is to not get discouraged. To consistently continue pursuing this confused path like a mad man. To live; eventfully, gracefully.


Focus is a skill. A virtue. Something we can learn, but also loose. It’s an elusive feeling. We might feel focused for months, years, but one day – we might realize we’ve been focusing on the wrong thing all that time. No focus – no results. Without any sort of direction, topic, theme, it’s almost impossible to achieve, to create anything. Our mind is wonderfully curious, yet it needs a sort of filter to tame that curiosity.

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Originally published as part of my daily writing challenge on March 18, 2021. 669 One of the most dangerous phenomenons of our society, in my opinion, is groupthink. It has been, sadly, part of what it means to be human for ages. Our desire for being in agreement with our peers, to hold opinions shared by those who we care about, often tramples our individual reason, our personal lucidity. What worries me is how our increasing reliance on labels is magnifying the strength and occurrence of groupthink tendencies.

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A clear surface, nicely polished. So normal, so perfect. One to adore, one to impress. Till the cracks start showing up. Something creeps up from the surface. A nasty substance, so it seems. Destroying the smoothness, abolishing the perfectness. The truth has come out. It’s easy to hide, just stand where everyone is looking. The cracks are the truth. The cracks are the beauty.

The Burden of Privileges

Last night, right after finishing work, I sat down to read the day’s newsletters. The usual stuff; Seth Godin’s daily blog, Subtle Maneuvers, Subtraction’s latest post, and Jason Fried’s latest post about changes at Basecamp. I glanced through it quickly. But one paragraph caught my eye instantly: No more societal and political discussions at Basecamp. Today’s social and political waters are especially choppy. Sensitivities are at 11, and every discussion remotely related to politics, advocacy, or society at large quickly spins away from pleasant.

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